
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Welcome to my world :)

Lately a lot of people around me and my friends from back home have told me how happy I am. And on the other hand, how they are not so happy with the way things are going in their own lives and they would love to be happier.

I want to tell you that I am truly as happy as I look. I wake up smiling in the morning and fall asleep smiling at night.

And its not just because I live with the most perfect man on earth for me, but that is also part of the reason why :) He is the living expression of what I wanted most for myself in my life. The winning combination of all the qualities I consider to be the best of the best, in one Ben.

It makes me happy because I live within this amazing partnership, but most importantly, it makes me happy because it is a proof of the fact that I always get what I want, and then some more. He is my daily reminder of the astonishing power of dreaming big and following our dreams.

When I look back and read what I wrote about the partner I wished to have, before we met; I am amazed at how much he is all that i described, including how much I am the same for him. It makes me so happy and excited and it inspires me to keep on dreaming big. To think what else would be perfect in my life and to know that as long as I am completely happy with what I already have right now, anything is possible.

In this blog I would like to write about everything I have learned on my journey about how to be happy. How to be happy with everything I have (or don’t have) in this very moment. Because to me, this is all that is important. Just to be happy. And I have already learned some time ago, that what makes me even happier is to be surrounded by happy people.

So what i really want to be doing is to help whoever is interested to be happy. I hope that my blog can inspire and help you to find more happiness in your life.

I have acquired many tools so far and even more virtual teachers, because lets face it, this internet is the bomb (diggity)! All the knowledge, everything we seek for, somebody else has already found and uploaded to the web :)

I am a certified Traditional Chinese Medicine therapist. I studied for five years, the fist three in Israel and the last two in China. I was in a collaborative program between my college in Tel-Aviv and the university in China, which I am very proud to be a part of. I was one of the first three students in the world to complete it and to get a B.A. in Chinese medicine from the Chinese government, without having to study for the whole duration in china.

Chinese medicine has made it very clear and easy for me to know who I am. When I am healthy and when I am out of balance. It has let me take responsibility for my own mental and physical health, with dietary changes, lifestyle changes, qi gong practices, herbs, acupuncture and massage.

I am a practitioner and a certified instructor of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Yoga has definitely been a very significant step in my own transformation process, from being an emotionally injured girl who was sad and hurt, into being a happy, healthy and smiley young woman.

I sit down for meditation every day (and give myself permission to skip some every now and again). I know in the most obvious and clear way, that this is the way up. This is the way to know ourselves and to make significant changes within our character and habits.

Beside all of these, I have lots of other stuff that has helped me along the way, and that I still practice! Like being grateful every day. And by reading and listening to tons of books, programs and people who inspire me to be the best me I can be, to believe in myself and to dream big.

Let's maybe try a little something right now :)

While you read this, raise your eyes for a moment away from the screen, look at the room around you and find one thing, as tiny, medium or big as you wish, that makes you smile.
I am now looking out the window to the beautiful back yard outside my room.
Look at your chosen thing, take a deep breath, smile and in your mind say THANK YOU.
Thank you for this beautiful sunny day and the beautiful green yard and the blue sky.
That’s it.
What  just happened, is that for one entire moment, with no relation to how much stress you have at work, or your bank account statement, the prices of gas or the rockets that are falling, for one moment we were truly happy.


What did you look at? Let me know, I would love to read your comments

Thank you so much for all of your love and support,
I love you,


  1. My sweet Miri, Here I´m, writing u from Buenos Aires.
    I´m soooo happy for you! It´s been six years since we met! U have been a kind of role model to me!
    Right now I´m looking at my work uniform... and I said thank you, because I love what I do... I love my work! I have the joy to do what I love. I thank God for this opportunity, because not everyone has the joy of working for what they love.
    And thank you for letting me be part of your life, even in the distance.

    Love you a lot!!!!


  2. beautiful lolo :)
    thank you so much for this beautiful comment. i am soooo happy for you. i remember a time when you were a little less happy then this, but you made it! you made the change for yourself and that is AWESOME!!
    you are rooted deep in my heart.
    maybe see you soon...... woohoo
