I am very proud of myself. I've practiced Qi Gong every day in the last week and I am loving this challenge.
Why did I need to challenge myself to spend 10 minutes of my time doing something that I love? It's kind of interesting, isn't it?
The simple fact is that publishing my challenge with you guys makes me do my Qi Gong practice. And I am enjoying every moment of it!
After the first couple of days I felt kind of high from doing it and from giving myself some quality time. On the third day I already needed to convince myself to practice and on the following days I had to remind myself I am committed to you too and not only to myself.
The best thing that happened was that on the days I didn't get a chance to practice during the day - I practiced at night time, before bed. So because of this challenge I actually took 10 more minutes before getting in the sack to practice Qi Gong. Without this commitment I would have totally said to myself 'ah, never mind, tomorrow is another day'. And it feels good. It feels good to do the excercises and it feels good to hold my commitment.
My mission for the last week was to just practice, without giving too much thought to how it feels or whether I am actually manipulating my Qi. And that was great because I practiced no matter what, even when I felt like it was purely physical and my mind wasn't there.
And for sure I got the benefits of that practice, even when my mind was trying to trick me into quitting.
Other good things which happened last week -
On the days when I felt like I needed a midday nap, instead of doing my practice and other things around the house, I had a nap and rested WITHOUT any guilt.
Because whatever else happens, I KNOW that I am doing my daily practice.
Also, I completed TWO of my other projects which I have started some time ago and "didn't have time for", just because all of a sudden I felt inspired to work on them again (I completed the second out of three tasks in a mindful art journaling course I'm doing, and I finished two crochet pillows for our lounge !!)
I am aware that this is only the second week of my 100 days challenge, and I am not setting myself any other goals just yet, because my mission for this week is to just keep going.
Keep doing what I already know is good for me.
Like the yoga master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois said, do your practice and all is coming.
And if I feel like it, and the muse hits me again, I will complete some other projects, and if not I still will have practiced Qi Gong every day of the week. :-)
So how about you?
Feel like sharing about your first 9 days of practice?
I'd love to read your comments here or on Facebook.
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